Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Factory Acceptance Test is the inspection process of testing a product created by a vendor, before the equipment runs and ensures that the product functions according to the order. In essence, Factory Acceptance Test is a function test before it leaves the door of the vendor or manufacturer.
Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
Site Acceptance Test is an onsite inspection performance test to ensure equipment are functioning as ordered. In essence, Site Acceptance Test is a test that is carried out at the user’s location, after the equipment / application is sent and installed before actual machine work is carried out..

Factory Acceptance Test Helps You to:
- Achieve independent proof of functionality, quality and integrity with our comprehensive checking process
- Verify all important documents, such as manuals, instructions, plans, drawings, piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs)
- Ensure that your equipment or plant performs as expected under the testable range of likely conditions, including mishandling and error